
1976? 1978? Oldsmobile Cutlass 

The first accelerator I stepped on.  Twelve years old and at a stop sign near our house, my mom said pressing the gas peddle down while she was steering was OK.  I also believe she had my brother on her other knee next to the driver’s door.  Luckily she wasn't drinking (this time)...  As I reached over with my foot and stepped on the peddle, the V8 roared, and we shot back in our seats as the beast lunged forward.  My mom screamed, "Jonny!!"  and my brother and I laughed.  I liked that car.  


1987 Chevy Celebrity

Born and raised in Wisconsin was the 1987 Maroon Chevy Celebrity.  This beauty was the pride of my girlfriend, and it packed an electronic fuel injector and four cylinders of power.  One road trip together with our friend Hanna left us missing a door mirror and the knowledge that Steak and Shake did not take credit cards. Thank you, random woman, at the counter for covering our meal.


1981 Dodge Omni

Pumpkin and Cream. 2-tone Pumpkin orange on top and cream white on the bottom.  My first daily driver to and from high school.  She was freedom.  And the weight of the engine in the front, coupled with the front-wheel-drive made for great reverse donuts.  It was the broken passenger seat that always caught people’s eye.  Every time a passenger would sit shotgun they would be forced to sit reclined.  Thanks, Grammie.



A close replica to the infamous Regal of 1993.

A close replica to the infamous Regal of 1993.

I think the year is close.  Volkswagen Scirocco. Tape deck with Pearl Jam Ten or Skeletons from the Closet playing.

I think the year is close. Volkswagen Scirocco. Tape deck with Pearl Jam Ten or Skeletons from the Closet playing.